Wednesday, 31 January 2007

Just Fantastic

Sunday, 28 January 2007

The door it opened
just a crack,
but Love was shrewd
and bold
My life flashed before
my eyes,
it was a horror to
A life-sentence sweeping
confetti from the floor
of a concrete hole

I let love in

/cave: let love in/

Saturday, 27 January 2007

I had a problem

If you have a problem, try asking him for help first
Did you know that MacGyver managed to create a bomb to open a door using a gelatin cold capsule containing sodium metal, which he then places in a glass container filled with water?
Tes máis pelighro que MacGyver nunha ferretería
/Galician proverb/

Thursday, 25 January 2007

Thank You

Monday, 22 January 2007

Forever in my heart

Here is the place where going supper along with lots of people is relaxing and marvellous...

Why? Well, beacause whenever you go there, such a great music sounds...

Imagine yourself buying some milk in the company of Depeche Mode album Violator or even better: buying cereal bars while hearing the great great George Michael's voice and music...EVEN BETTER, the entire TWENTYFIVE album (for loving)...Thank You very much, this is the best evening I've ever spent in a supermarket. Never change!!

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Bad Boys, Good Guys

When you tried to tell me what to do,

I just shut my mouth and smiled at you

One thing that I know for sure-


Stick together, never

Sad Boys


They made rules for fools, so get wise...
/wham!: bad boys/

Thank you

I will turn like the mill's wheel
I will turn in your woman's water yeah
I will turn as you say and as you like me to
Just to make you love me
I will turn
I will turn

Sunday, 14 January 2007

I Will Turn

Xirarei como a roda do muíño

Xirarei nas túas augas de muller...

Xirarei como ti digas e queiras

Pra namorarte xirarei e xirarei

Saturday, 13 January 2007


Gimme your hand

I got a crush on you

Don't go away

My heart is burning so,

why dont you stay?

There is love in the air,

you will see

You will never forget the night you spend with me

Passion - I want your passion

Passion - just give me passion

/david hasselhof: passion/


Thursday, 11 January 2007


¿Qué he de hacer? ¿Buscar otro cuerpo que ungir con las caricias que guardaba para el tuyo? ¿Sin un solo remordimiento? ¿Otra maya de piel en que atrapar los volubles secretos que perdimos? ¿Otro lecho en que esparcir las cenizas de nuestro deseo? ¿Otras piernas en que sentir ese hondo calor, donde creer amar mientras no se ama? ¿Buscar en vano nuestro silencio azul, irrepetible? ¿Caer en tu recuerdo para regresar a esta sequía?, ¿rebuscar un sucedáneo entre personas y palabras absurdas?

/F. Cantero, David. "La inapetencia: Il Giorno, primera parte". Amantea./

Simply Irresistible...

Her loving is so powerful, huh

Its simply unavoidable

The trend is irreversible

The woman is invincible

Simply Irresistible

Simply Irresistible

*we'll love you forever

Wednesday, 10 January 2007


"...ondas de 2 a 4 de compoñente nordés,
vento de frouxo a moderado e temperaturas
en lixeiro descenso...
Boas noites, ata mañá."

Hugh Laurie as...2

"You're upset that I'm doing clinic hours? Wow, that is so like rain on your wedding day."
- Euphoria, Part 2

"What else turns you on? Drugs? Casual sex? Rough sex? Casual rough sex? I'm a doctor, I need to know."
- Deception

Hugh Laurie as...

"Hey! How's that anal fissure? Did it heal yet, or is it still draining? Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd come back for seconds. I figure after that girl in the stairwell, you'd be done for the night." - All In

"Sorry I missed that.
White count's been down since the
Ricky Martin concert.
Some cholo kicked me in the head."

- Deception